Tuesday, 25 October 2016

PRELIMINARY TASK | Allocated Roles and Project Planning


In the film, Ben was allocated an acting role. This was because he volunteered to act and felt that he could portray the character very well. The character is supposed to be, visually, inferior to the other and because of his size, Ben was able to clearly portray that idea. Joe Blaxall was cast to play the role of the other character. This was because the other character is, clearly, supposed to  more superior to the character Ben played, and Joe is a lot taller than Ben so the audience can clearly see that and understand our idea. This meant that we didn't have to keep playing around with the camera angle to make Joe's character look bigger than that of Ben's.
For the initial ideas, Ben and myself worked together and created a mind map that contained four, brief, ideas that we could use. We picked the best 2 and briefly developed them so that they could be made into a short film. From there we picked a plot that meant we could show off different camera angles/shot types and editing skills, and from that criteria we decided the plot of the film.
For the storyboard of the film, myself and Ben worked together. From the initial ideas we had our plot, and when creating a storyboard we made sure that we included a variety of shot types and camera angles. We did this using a list of shot types and camera angles that Ben had created throughout the making of the film. Although we didn't use every single one, we believe that we had a good enough variety to show off our filming ability. I was put in charge of the drawing and story boarding as I see my creativeness and skill in this area as a useful factor. This meant that the drawings on the storyboard were clearly portrayed and showed what the camera angle/shot type was and also showed what was going on in the scene which was particularly beneficial when filming. I was also in charge of the cinematography as a whole (when filming).This was because Ben was acting for the majority of the film and we used My camera, which meant we could get the best out of it due to how I understood how it worked better than the other crew members. However, we both decided what was going to happen in the shot etc before the shots took place.

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